The Department of Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) teaches 6 undergraduate degree programmes: BSc Honours degrees in Computer Science (CS), Software Engineering (SE) and Business Information Systems (BIS), as well as MEng Computer Science (MEngCS) and BEng/MEng Computer & Electronic Systems (CES and MEngCES respectively).
The grid below summarises information found in the University Calendar and shows only CIS taught classes – classes provided by other departments are shown on detailed pages by clicking on the + icon or on the column headings. Special regulations may apply to students transferring from other degree programmes or direct entrants to second and third year.
Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) classes are split into four main strands: Software Construction, Theory & Algorithms, Computer Systems and Information Systems. Computer Science and Software Engineering students follow all strands while other degrees follow three or four strands. Where you have a choice of classes, your decision will probably affect your options in subsequent years and may affect your load balance between the two semesters. In general however, you should pick classes you believe are of interest to you, not to balance your loading between semesters. The department may not run all options each year and may withdraw an option when too few students register.
Jump to the curriculum for: 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, 5th year, or to see the Key.
Each year has a year adviser of studies, a year notice board and a CS timetable page – click on the icons to see these pages, on class names for class details and on degree names or symbol for specific degree information.
Key to table use
- Class names:
- Clicking on a class name takes you to detailed information about that class
- Icons:
indicates a compulsory class for that course
an optional class
some classes (particularly those outside the department or where the choice is complex) are not shown on this table – these other classes are described on the detailed regulations for that year/course – click to see detailed regulations
- Elective: In first and second year most students take an elective class – classes from a range of topics are offered, normally by other departments – to give a taste of other subjects and broaden your curriculum.
- 4th Year Project: If you are on an honours or MEng course you will do a large individual project in 4th year: class EE475 for CES and MEng CES, CS408 for other degrees.
- Industrial Placements: SE students do a one year placement between third and fourth year – this class counts as one level 4 class (CS415). MEng students normally do a three-month summer placement between third and fourth year (CS416) and MEng CS may optionally do a second three-month placement between fourth and fifth year (CS552).