CIS Policy on Students Making Coursework Solutions Publicly Available – 2017/18

  1. Students must never engage in plagiarism and must never break licensing agreements. If they do so then they will be subject to university disciplinary procedures.
  2. Students should never make coursework solutions available to other students while a coursework assessment is ongoing. This includes making them available on any website or public source code repository. In doing so a student may be viewed as colluding with other students who plagiarise.
  3. The CIS department requests that students never make any coursework solutions available to other students. In many CIS classes it is normal for staff to reuse coursework exercises in successive years. It is unrealistic to expect staff to produce new sets of practical work, solutions and marking schemes every year. Reusing practical exercises enables staff to continually refine and improve their coursework.
  4. If students are making coursework solutions publicly available then they should make them available through a GitLab repository hosted by the department and  notify the class lecturer that they are doing so. It is good practice to include a licensing statement with such code e.g. to explicitly make it open-source.  See:
  5. Students should never make code provided by staff publicly available.
    If students are making third party code available then it must be done so in keeping with the license agreement for that code. Students should not make other students’ code available e.g. from a group project, except with those students explicit agreement and appropriate attribution (who wrote what) and licensing statements.

Instructions on how to make CIS GitLab repositories public: