Syllabuses - UG

CS119 - Problem Solving

SemesterTerm 1
AvailabilityAvailable to participants taking UG Graduate and Degree Apprenticeship programmes, e.g. BSc Hons IT: Software Development, BSc Hons IT: Management for Business and BSc Hons Digital and Technology Solutions.
Learning Activities Breakdown12 tutorials, online study, one assignment, quizzes and a class test.
AssessmentAn individual assignment worth 50%, a class test worth 30% and assessed quizzes worth 20%.
LecturerStuart Gale

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the class is to provide participants with an understanding of how to decompose a problem into its component parts and abstract these parts to provide a solution. This skill is vital for computer programming.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this class participants will be able to: 

  • decompose a software engineering problem into its component parts. 
  • abstract or generalise the constituent parts of a problem using pseudo-code/structured English and flowcharts. 
  • demonstrate their understanding of algorithms. 
  • create, test and communicate algorithms to solve problems. 
  • demonstrate an understanding of the relative merits of top down and bottom up approaches to software design. 


  • Algorithms and Problems: What are problems? What properties do algorithms have to have? 
  • Categorise computer programs in terms of their inputs, outputs and process. 
  • Break down problems using stepwise refinement. Learn how to communicate algorithms using pseudo code. 
  • Design of algorithms to solve problems: Creation of test cases; Think like a computer; Flowcharts/pseudo code.

Recommended Reading

This list is indicative only – the class lecturer may recommend alternative reading material. Please do not purchase any of the reading material listed below until you have confirmed with the class lecturer that it will be used for this class.

The class lecturer will make recommended reading available via Myplace, the University VLE.

Transferable skills

During and after completing this class participants will: 

  • Develop their general problem-solving skills.

Last updated: 2022-12-14 12:11:12