Syllabuses - PG

CS813 - Advanced Information Security

SemesterSemester 2
AvailabilityNot available as an elective.
Learning Activities BreakdownOnline study with two campus days.
Items of Assessment3
AssessmentThis module is assessed 100% by coursework, and you will be assessed as follows:

  • 2 x 45% assessed exercises
  • 1 x 10% online participation in Pop Quizzes
LecturerJan de Muijnck-Hughes

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this class is to provide an in depth look at Email, Web and Network attacks and defences by going through the various levels of the network stack, and covering both wired and wireless networks. We will also provide a more in-depth treatment of Cryptography, as it plays a fundamental role in achieving network security.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this class, learners should be able:

  • to understand the role that cryptography has in making our data and communication secure
  • to understand the importance of network security in general, and for their organisation in 
  • to identify vulnerabilities of protocols at each layer of the network stack, and appropriate
    countermeasures to protect networks against threats.
  • to appreciate the important role that users play in ensuring the security of application level 
    protocols, the policies, techniques and mechanisms that can help users protect their
    networks, and the usability trade-offs involved in their use.
  • to understand in depth key network defence technologies like firewalls, intrusion detection 
    and intrusion protection systems, and their effective use as part of an organisational
    approach to network threat management.
  • to appreciate the challenges that Wireless LAN security presents, the methods used to 
    secure such networks, and the vulnerabilities of the associated protocols.
  • to be aware of the security challenges faced by organisations from malware


Note the precise set of topics covered is subject to change.

  • Cryptography in network security: SSH, SSL & TLS, IPsec, key management, virtual private networks
  • Key network concepts, protocol layers (OSI model), IPv4 and IPv6 security, Threats to network communications, Denial of service, Distributed denial-of-service
  • Wireless network security: 802.11 protocol suite, vulnerabilities in wireless networks, strengths and weakness of protocols like WEP and WPA, IEEE 802.11i security
  • Network-based Malicious Software: worms, bots
  • Web and Email Attacks & Defences: Browser attacks, Web attack targeting users, Obtaining user or website data, Email spam, phising, HTTPS, Secure e-mail & S/MIME,


Recommended Reading

This list is indicative only – the class lecturer may recommend alternative reading material. Please do not purchase any of the reading material listed below until you have confirmed with the class lecturer that it will be used for this class.

The class lecturer will recommend a mixture of specific and generic references for each part of the 
course and may recommend alternative reading material

Last updated: 2024-08-05 11:43:33