Syllabuses - UG

CS272 - Introduction to Computer Networks

SemesterTerm 2
AvailabilityAvailable to students taking the BSc Hons IT: Management for Business and BSc Hons Digital and Technology Solutions programmes.
Learning Activities Breakdown
AssessmentThe class will be assessed 100% by coursework consisting of a class test (50%) and an assignment (50%).
LecturerGeorgi Nakov

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this class is to equip participants with knowledge and understanding of computer networking. Participants will gain a practical understanding of the topic via assessed programming assignments.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this class, participants will be able to:

  • demonstrate a broad knowledge of the area of computer networking and its terminology.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the operation of a range of networking protocols and devices.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the TCP/IP model.
  • demonstrate a basic understanding of the underpinning mechanisms of cutting-edge networking technologies such as software defined networking, network function virtualisation and fifth generation mobile networks (5G Networks).


The class aims to provide a good grounding in the basics of computer networking. It provides participants with an “under the hood” look at how computers (and other digital devices such as mobile phones and tablets) communicate with each other across a network. It begins by introducing the basic principles, terminology, protocols and network devices which, when deployed together, form an end to end communications network.

It then, through a series of step by step videos and tutorials, shows the participant how to build, configure and test a small communications network such as that used by a multi-site SME.

Finally, the participant is introduced to the latest cutting-edge networking technologies and, while working in a group, undertakes a small case study based on one of three areas:

  • The role of web services for tactical battlefield communications
  • Adaptive, user experience driven video streaming in 5G mobile networks
  • Autonomous network management in virtualised, software defined networks

Recommended Reading

This list is indicative only – the class lecturer may recommend alternative reading material. Please do not purchase any of the reading material listed below until you have confirmed with the class lecturer that it will be used for this class.

Data & Computer Communications (10th Edition), William Stallings, Pearson, 978 1 292 01438 8

Transferable Skills:

  • This class will enable participants to further develop their problem-solving skills.

Last updated: 2023-09-08 18:26:20