Syllabuses - PG

CS954 - Information Retrieval and Access

SemesterSemester 1
AvailabilityPossible elective
Learning Activities BreakdownLectures: 22 | Tutorials: 0 | Labs: 11
Assignments: 80 | Self study: 87
AssessmentStudents will complete an individual assignment (50% of the marks) and sit an examination (50% of the marks).
LecturerCatherine Chavula, Perla Innocenti

Aims and Objectives

This module aims to:

  • give a detailed examination of the field of information seeking and retrieval: the study of how people search for information, and the sources, services and systems that can be used to help people access information.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • demonstrate the ability to critically examine a number of influential information seeking models;
  • demonstrate an understanding of research methodologies for studying human information behaviour;
  • demonstrate an advanced understanding of important concepts, such as relevance, in the context of information seeking and retrieval;
  • demonstrate the ability to show how findings from information seeking theory and practice can inform the design of information access systems;
  • demonstrate an advanced understanding of the theory and technology used to construct modern Information Retrieval and Information Access systems;
  • demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the assumptions behind the evaluation of Information Retrieval systems;
  • be familiar with a wide range of free and commercial information services and how to use them professionally for the benefit of users;
  • understand the role of the information professional in selecting and acquiring appropriate information sources for user queries;
  • understand how the Internet impacts on the role of the information professional.


  • Information representation
  • The design of information retrieval and information access systems
  • Evaluation of information access systems
  • Multimedia and web retrieval models
  • Information seeking theory
  • Sensemaking theory
  • Information behaviour
  • Reference services
  • The reference question
  • Online databases and subscription services
  • Information philosophy

Recommended Reading

This list is indicative only – the class lecturer may recommend alternative reading material. Please do not purchase any of the reading material listed below until you have confirmed with the class lecturer that it will be used for this class.


Last updated: 2022-09-09 13:43:53