Syllabuses - UG

CS101 - Topics in Computing 1

SemesterSemester 1, Semester 2
AvailabilityCan be chosen as an elective.
Learning Activities Breakdown22 lectures/22 practicals (2 hours)
AssessmentThere are (typically) four group-based assignments, each worth 25% of the overall mark for the class. The marks allocated to the assignments will be based on written reports, oral presentations and practical demonstrations of work performed. Assessment will consider both the achievement of the group and the contribution of each individual within that group.
LecturerAlex Coddington, Brian Mitchell, Daniel Thomas, Leila Shafti

Aims and Objectives

To help the student to develop a broader perspective of computer science and to develop problem solving, team working, presentational skills, as well as personal and professional development skills.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the class, a student should be able:

  1. To appreciate the wider problems and challenges in computer science.
  2. To appreciate the importance of working effectively as a team in solving problems.
  3. To appreciate how to present effectively in written, oral and graphical form the results of investigations.
  4. To use a variety of resources such as the University library, databases and the internet to find relevant material.
  5. To appreciate the relationship between material from different computer science classes.


The class is based around a number (typically four) of group projects based on a variety of interesting challenges in computer science. Students work in teams to solve these with support from the teaching staff and present their results in a variety of formats (written reports, oral presentations, etc).

Recommended Reading

This list is indicative only – the class lecturer may recommend alternative reading material. Please do not purchase any of the reading material listed below until you have confirmed with the class lecturer that it will be used for this class.


Last updated: 2022-09-13 08:00:44