Syllabuses - UG

CS121 - Programming with Python

SemesterTerm 2, Term 3
AvailabilityAvailable to participants taking UG Graduate and Degree Apprenticeship programmes, e.g. BSc Hons IT: Management for Business.
Learning Activities Breakdown24 tutorials, online study, programming exercises, a programming project and a class test.
AssessmentIndividual programming assignments worth 20%, 20% and 45% (a programming project), and a class test worth 15%.
LecturerBrian Mitchell

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this class is to introduce students to basic coding skills, enable them to gain an understanding of basic principles and develop basic competence in programming in a modern industry standard programming language.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this class participants will be able to: 

  • understand simple data elements and basic data structures of the Python programming language. 
  • understand main control and flow structures of the Python programming language. 
  • understand and be able to develop programs using the Python programming language. 
  • understand and be able to use objects in the Python programming language. 
  • translate a specification for a moderately difficult real-world problem into a working python program which provides a solution to the problem posed. 


  • Simple data types (numbers, strings, simple list data structures and booleans) 
  • Simple operators (assignment, arithmetic and string manipulation) 
  • Control flow (conditional and iteration) 
  • Manipulating simple data structures (lists, sets, and dictionaries) 
  • Structuring code (functions) 
  • Error handing 
  • Objects 
  • Library classes and Documentation 
  • Testing and Debugging 
  • Input/Output

Recommended Reading

This list is indicative only – the class lecturer may recommend alternative reading material. Please do not purchase any of the reading material listed below until you have confirmed with the class lecturer that it will be used for this class.

  • How to think like a computer scientist: Learning with Python 3, Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers 
  • Learning Python, Mark Luz, 5th Edition, O'Reilly 2013 
  • Head First Python: A Brain-Friendly Guide, Barry Paul, O’Reilly, 2016

Transferable skills

During and after completing this class participants will: 

  1. Develop their general problem-solving skills. 

Last updated: 2023-09-07 18:34:22