Previous MSc Theses
"An Investigation into Individuals' Happy Information Seeking Behaviour in Online Environment." A. Athanasopoulou. I. Ruthven. Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde. 2014. Download PDF (BibTeX) MSc Information Management
Within the literature, researchers usually focus on individuals' information seeking behaviour within working or academic environments. Even when studies focus on leisure environments, they mainly concern information seeking that answers a specific topic or task. The emotions aspects of information within casual leisure have been less studied in the past. The purpose of the present study is to explore the information objects that people use in order to change their mood or feelings within a casual leisure. Moreover, this research aims to investigate the types of information, the mediums, the time frequency and other factors that concern individuals' seeking behaviours.
For the purposes of this study, fifteen (15) semi-structured interviews were conducted. The findings identified various types of happy information that people seek, while music videos and pictures were considered as the most appropriate ones for that purpose. Finally, YouTube and Google were found to be the mediums that people use almost in a daily basis to increase their numerous positive emotions.